Jeff Seneca
P h o t o g r a p h y
Woodpeckers & Nuthatches

A boldly patterned bird with bluish black wings with a square white patch on the back, snow white chest and belly, and it's signature all red head. Gorgeous.

This is one of the only Woodpeckers that is known to hide and store food. It stores insects and seed in cracks of wood, fence posts, under bark and even under house shingles covering it with bark and wood.

A small bluish grey bird with a red breast and bold patterned head consisting of a black cap and stripe through the eye separated by a white stripe.

This lucky guy has managed to capture a nice juicy spider for breakfast.

Creepers crawl in a spiral up a tree searching for insects and their eggs and any other morsels of food left by the other birds. When it gets to the top of the tree it flutters on down to the bottom of the next and starts again. They are very hard to spot and blend in easily because they look like a piece of bark. Streaked brown and buff above and white underparts with a buffy stripe over the eye.