Jeff Seneca
​​​ P h o t o g r a p h y

A beautiful duck and one of my favorites. Why? Just look at him.

Pink-footed Geese nest in Greenland and Iceland, and migrate to Britain and Southwestern Europe to spend the winter months. Only a few times have strays been seen in North America. I was lucky enough to see one up in Avon Connecticut.

Blue-winged Teal are dabbling ducks meaning they feed by dipping their bill into the water and also submerging their entire head or tipping up to reach prey or the vegetation deeper underwater. They rarely dive.

Barnegat Light NJ

Cape Cod Canal

Common on the Atlantic coast during winter this large black and white seaduck has a bold patterned head.

Edith Read Rye

Female with chicks at Rockefeller State Park.

Mallard chicks, fuzzy and cute.

The male Wood Duck has bold colors with intricate patterns making him one of our most stunning ducks.