Jeff Seneca
​​​ P h o t o g r a p h y
Birds of Prey
Checking out the scenery or looking for a fast meal.
This small fierce, energetic falcon is a powerful flier. It often makes surprise, high speed attacks catching its prey in midair. It patrols the open grasslands and shorelines looking for small songbirds and shorebirds.
Getting ready to take off, this one had a little blood on its talons and beak. Most likely it had just had a meal and was digesting when i came across it.
Mr. Majestic looking out over his domain. Croton Point Park, NY
The chest of this guy shows the white mottling feathers while the underside of the wings show extensive white. The beak is also now getting the yellow hue we all know. I would say this is a two year old bird. They won't get that distinctive all white head and tail until age five.
A young bird on the ground.
A squirrel makes a nice breakfast for this hawk.
Gray Morph These deadly little owls come in three colors, or morphs. Red, Gray and an Intermediate Brown. As soon as the sun goes down they are out on the hunt until dawn.
Red Morph Roosting in a tree cavity in the daytime. I spent over an hour with this guy and he never opened his eyes.
This adult was perched in the tree branches above my feeders eyeing the Chipmunks that had gathered to snack on the seed that fell.
Not very good at hunting yet a young Great Horned Owl sits on a branch looking for Mama to bring him some food.
Something catches his attention. Look at those eyes.
The early morning sun warms this deadly predator as he makes ready to catch his breakfast.
Rare for this area. Usually found around the South. There was a pair at Sterling Forest NY but they never had nestlings.